Indepth Markets

How To Increase Sales In Your Business Guide

How To Increase Sales In Your Business Guide

This guide will detail every aspect of how modern businesses keep on thriving and getting floods of sales in a short period of time. Sometimes without even advertising their products or services to more people.

We will be revealing today’s innovative strategies and secrets some successful business owners might not want you to know. Prepare your pen and paper, and get ready to take notes because right now we will be transforming you into a sales machine and get an edge over many business owners who don’t know these strategies or those who had ignored these tactics.

Whether you have an online business or an offline business, we are definite that if you follow this guide closely, you will definitely multiply your sales in no time.

One thing we need to fix first before jumping right into the golden nuggets, is the mindset. This is a very big issue which holds business’s back from growing and expanding.  Even one of the biggest and experienced businesses in any industry can take a big hit and potentially fail if they don’t have this mindset.

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To makes things crystal clear. Let’s take a look at Nokia. During the past decade Nokia was one of the leading cell phone brands in the world. But what about right now? Would you put Nokia on the least of phones which you would want to purchase next. ‘Most probably not’. Why is that so?

The simple answer is, they lacked innovative leadership. Meaning they did not move with time. While every other phone brand was working on innovating their phones by making them button less and more sophisticated. Nokia continued with their classic phone styles for a while. This mindset dragged Nokia down to rock bottom.

What’s the lesson here? The lesson is, don’t ignore these tactics because these are innovative strategies which are used by most successful businesses today. 

As business people, we should also understand that time is not on our side, so as one of our favourite sayings say, “Time is money”. This is to say that, you should be able to make a quick decision when needs be, and be able to spot a great opportunity to multiply your sales when you see one.

Without any further ado let’s get right into the golden nuggets.

How To Increase Your Sales In Your Business Using Sales Funnels Doing Upsells And Down Sells?

Had you ever gone to a fast-food franchise to purchase a simple order? Let’s say to purchase 2 pieces of chicken. Then suddenly after you get out of the franchise you come out with 2 pieces of chicken, a thirst destroying fizzy drink, a shake and some crispy fried chips on the side? Well yes you had. 

Perhaps right now you might not be understanding this question, but everything will be clear just soon and you will also know why we are saying this has happened to you. Understanding this example will also help you multiply your sales.

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Most business owners still do things the old school style. Making fliers and sending out their business cards to everyone they meet. They think that by advertising their services and products to more people. This might in turn increase their sales. Well, this is a general accepted instinctive theory by most business owners.

But here is what we say about advertising to more people. Advertising to more people might not always get you more sales most of the time. On the other hand however, this might put a dent in your pocket than make you more profits.

Here is why we are saying this. Let’s make a simple example Let’s say there are x amount of people who are interested in your product or service in your area, and your business is a localised business. Let’s put an amount to the x and say there are x=100 people who are interested in your product or service in your area.

Regardless of the number of people who are interested in your products of services, your goal is to get 500 sales. Then the question is, do you think advertising to more people in your area, can get you the 500 sales you want when there are only about 100 people interested in your products or services in your area?

The answer is a big NO. Why? Because there are only about 100 people interested in your products or services in your area. It is almost pointless to advertise to more people.

Well, most businesses had reached or they had almost reached their maximum exposure to people who are interested in their products or services in their areas and sometimes even online. And just relying only on advertising just won’t bring the sales you want sometimes. 

Yes, you may get more sales advertising online, but that’s a ton of work, requires knowledge and requires a deep pocket most of the time to reach depths of more and more potential customers. Let us guide you on one of the simpler methods to leverage your sales.

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Therefore, referencing back to the example above, how can we make the 500 sales that we wanted out of the 100 people interested in the products and services provided by the business?

Well, this is where a sales funnel, upsells and down sells come in quite handy to maximize profits.

Let us give you a brief explanation of how sales funnels work, how upsells and down sells work, while also clarifying the difference between upsells and down sells. Lastly, we will show you a simple software you can use to create highly converting funnels and multiply your profits and finally become the sales machine we were talking about.

How Do Sales Funnels Work To Multiply Your Sales?

Well sales funnels are different. Their structure depends on the purpose you want to achieve. A general accepted sales funnel for acquiring customers has this structure below:

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You first make an impression on people. Discover potential customers. Then finally get a customers. A sales funnel is as simple as that, although many different experts can expand it into much more detail as they prefer. It is just basic filters you put out, to achieve a certain final goal on your business in which that goal is to get sales.

But with this basic understanding of sales funnels let us brief you on upsells and down sells which you will use on your sales funnels, before we show you the intelligence behind these methods in which you could use to transform yourself into a sales machine.

Upsells are simply a sales strategy in which a seller encourages a consumer to buy more expensive things, upgrades, or other add-ons in order to increase their income. 

While on the other hand, down sells are simply a sales strategy in which a seller encourages a consumer to buy less expensive things or other add-ons in order to increase their income. The overall goal with upsells and down sells is to acquire more profit out of one customer, client or consumer

Everything is starting to get clear and connect with the franchise example, right?

Well, how will sales funnels work to increase or multiply your sales in your business?

Still continuing with the franchise example. Let us show you how they put you into a sales funnel you do not realise.

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We said you came in for 2 pieces of chicken at the franchise, right? Which is the ‘main product in which you came for, while also interlinking this example to the image above. The employees inside started using a sales funnel to upsell and down sell their products so that they could leverage their sales.

They probably ask after ordering the two pieces of chicken, “Would you like some fries to go with your chicken?”. Then you would think ‘what’s a meal without some fries?’ Then you would continue and purchase the fries. 

Notice that’s a down sell because they offered you a product of a lesser expense for them to get more money out of this one customer. Now let’s continue with the example.

The following question would be, “Since you bought two pieces of chicken wouldn’t you like two shakes for you and your lovely daughter?” And again, you would think, ‘It’s really scorching today and I really need something cold to soothe my throat and let me spoil my little daughter too’.

Let’s say the shakes are more expensive than the pieces. Well, notice how this is an upsell. They managed to convince you to buy a more expensive product even though you did not actually come for that product from the franchise. The overall goal is to get all the profit they can get out of you, the one customer.

They would funnel you to sequences of down sells and upsells and perhaps you can be convinced to purchase more and more. This way they can leverage their sales with you. If you want to know how to create crazy high converting sales funnel that generated us over $4000 in sales revenue in just a month writing our final high school exams click here.

I know your mind is blown right now.  So going back to the second example we talked about:

How Can We Get 500 Sales Out Of Only 100 People?

Easy, the answer is sales funnel. We create a sales funnel and use it to our customers. It will be consisting of sequences of upsell and down sells until we get the most amount of cash our clients are willing to pay. This will multiply our sales and even surpass 500 sales potentially by doing this.

Over the past decades. The most successful businesses had been using sales funnels. They had to pay thousand to millions of dollars for developers and great minds to structure their sales funnels and develop them this highly converting piece of program.

Nowadays things had become easy. There is no need to pay thousands and millions to get highly converting funnels. You can create and manage funnels easily and as quick as two minutes with software’s that are there today. One software we also like recommending to our close clients is is a great and reliable full marketing multifunctional software which had helped thousands of businesses multiply their sales. For only as little as $27 a month for a start-up plan in which you can cancel anytime. 

You can make unlimited funnels for your business in different styles you would like. From the easiest to the most complex of funnels with just a few easy clicks and a few minutes to spare.

You’ll be getting unlimited emails you can send to your email collection, and up to 5000 email subscribers. You should check this out below. 

And don’t be like Nokia and lack innovativeness ignore the new methods used by the most successful business to date. is a great opportunity which shouldn’t be missed before their prices skyrocket as it is a new hit in the funnel building industry.

If you would like to totally take your business to another level and take the maximum opportunity before prices increase, there is a $97 per month plan which consists of everything a businessperson would need to leverage their sales.

We are talking:

97$ Sales

Whether you don’t have an online business or you have one, caters for all. It consists of features which will definitely skyrocket your business while being also easy to use and understand. This is an opportunity not to be missed when you have a business. For a more in-depth pricing review where you’ll know which pricing is best for you click here.


How to increase your sales in your business using email marketing

Email marketing had shown one of the best results on leveraging sales along with sales funnels in businesses. The best thing about email marketing is that. You get a customers email once, and they can be a customer for a lifetime.

We will even show you how you can use email marketing along with sales funnels to become a sales machine that we told you, you would be after this article.

You see, email marketing requires you to have an email management app which you will be sending multiple emails to a chain of potential customers at the same times. This app will also help track manage and respond back to your customers if needs be.

This app needs to be connected to SMPT server which is a simple mail transfer protocol. What this server does it is an internet standard communication protocol for sending mails. The email management app will need to be connected to this server for you to be able to send and receive emails to your clients.

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You can build one by simply learning how to develop these applications on YouTube. But it requires time and you might not be able to build one of the best mail features in which you would need.

A great alternative is For a fixed amount depending on the plan, you would choose you can get these features plus many other features like the sales funnel you would need. Using this software gives you one of the best chances to quadruple your sales and make a lot of money. You should definitely check out.

Without any further ado let’s show you how you would be using email marketing,  but first, here is what you will need.

First you will need to have a collection of emails. And how can you get that you may ask?

Again, has all that covered. You will need to create a lead magnet. A lead magnet is a page consisting of something people would find interesting to them. It can be an eBook, course or a video in exchange of their emails or contacts. This will get you emails in which you could use to market to them products and services in your business.

The best way to do this though, is to put up eBooks/courses/videos which are very closely related to your business so that the emails or contacts you receive on your email list could be of the people you know that you have the best chance of winning them as your customer and purchase something in your business after sending them your marketing emails.

Here is a great tip writing your emails. Successful business people never sell a product or service. They sell a solution. Therefore, be sure that the emails you write, people will see the need of why they should purchase your products your services.

How can we use both email marketing and sales funnels together to increase our business sales?

Now this should be relatively clear by now.

You would use a funnel to get the customers:

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You would use the lead magnet from page builder to make a lead magnet. Post the lead magnet on any of your social medias or using ads which will expose you to more potential clients interested in what you offer.

Then after you filter out your target audience on who is most likely to purchase your product or service in terms of the particular product, they downloaded which in terms of the picture it would be prospects

We then advertise a specific product or service to the particular group and another different product or service to a different group. Then finally you’ll be at the last stage of the funnel, and you would just wait for someone to purchase and that would be your customer.

We should also not forget upsells and down sells to increase and multiply your sales, after the person has bought your product or service. Make sure you have a follow-up message. 

Send your customer a thank you email with mail feature and recommend a similar product which could be an upsell or down sell depending on you. Or after the customer has purchased you can immediately redirect your customer to a thank you page with a down sell and upsell below. This will all depend on you.

This is the end of the article and I hope you will not miss this great opportunity that brings [keeping in mind the Nokia mindset].

We wish you the best of sales online as now you have all the theory you need to become a sales machine. From now we leave it all up to you. All the best, from in-depth markets to you.