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7 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Starting Your Own Email Marketing Campaign

7 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Starting Your Own Email Marketing Campaign

Email marketing campaigns are a great way to engage with customers and bring them back to your website or store. While it may seem like a simple task, there are many important questions you should ask yourself before choosing email marketing as one of your main promotional strategies.

Indeed, if you don’t take the time to thoroughly analyze these elements, you risk losing business and being dissatisfied with the quality of your email campaigns. Before you start your own email marketing campaign, ask yourself these 7 questions.

When will you send the emails from your email marketing campaign?

Knowing the right time to send the emails is the first and most important question you should ask yourself because it will help you get a high email open rate.

This matters because you don’t want to send emails when your email subscribers, and customers are either sleeping or at work.

So what is the right time to send an email campaign?

Mid-morning is a wonderful time to send emails. During these hours, the majority of individuals are on their computers, checking email, social media, and news sites. Another wonderful hour is around 3 p.m. when many people are taking a lunch break from work.

If you want to avoid sending emails from your email marketing campaign between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., send them first thing in the morning (6 a.m.) or last thing at night (8 pm). This will assist you to avoid missing out on your target demographic

Moosend and Get Response are two of the most used email marketing tools or email autoresponders because of the powerful marketing tools that they have here are their answer about the best time to send emails to your lists

  • Moosend recommends sending them between 7 pm to 5 pm
  • Getresponse recommends sending them between 6 pm to 3 pm

Send your emails with Moosend or Getresponse to get guidance when mailing your list.

Who are you sending the emails to?

The who is going to be key. You want to send it to people who are interested in what you’re saying. Don’t be concerned about others not liking you or rejecting you—they probably already did that by not being interested enough in what you were offering them in the first place! 

The core objective of your email marketing campaign strategy is to familiarize them with you and your content; if they aren’t interested now, they aren’t likely to be interested later.

Sending an email marketing campaign in the hopes of gaining new fans or followers may seem like a good idea, but it won’t work if people aren’t interested in your content.

Why should the people you're sending the email care?

Everyone has a lot of content coming at them. You’re not the only one planning and running email marketing campaigns. There’s no way your email will stand out unless you have a really good reason for people to care about it.

Why should they care? Why should they listen to your email? People are more likely to care if you are solving their problems. So, your email should target your subscriber’s problems and then you propose a solution.

What problem does the email solve?

Why do they need what you’re offering? Does it help them save time, money, or effort? Make sure that whoever reads your email knows why what you’re offering is useful for them and why they need it in their life.

If you can’t make your point clear with just one sentence, go back and revise until you can. This is how you get people to read your email—make sure they know why it’s worth reading!

What do you want them to do from the email?

What actions do you want the people reading your email to take, do you want them to visit your store /website, do you want them to buy your product or service or are you giving them a freebie?

Answer this question before you even start writing your email or running your email marketing campaign. This will help you write a clear Call To action on your emails.

Write a catchy Subject Line for your email

I know this is not a question, but it is a must to make an attractive subject line so that people can click on your email. This is a key component of a good email campaign.

The first step before people can read your email first, they click on your email and if your subject is not tempting enough then they won’t read what’s inside

According to OptinMonster, 47% of email receivers open an email based on the subject line, and also based merely on the subject line, 69 percent of email recipients rate emails as spam.

Email receivers are highly likely to open your email if your subject lines:

  • Have curiosity
  • Fear of missing out on subject lines
  • Are Funny

Here are examples of catchy subject lines

  • Marketing attribution: Tips & Types, Which One is Right?
  • PODCAST: 5 Steps to Accelerate Career Growth
  • Don’t Open This Email – This type of subject will play with psychology. When people are asked not to do something or in this case not to open something, they will be more curious to open it, which is what is want

Here are 164 catchy subject lines that will boost your open-rate

Are you using a Powerful Email Marketing Campaign Software ?

Choose a powerful email marketing campaign software that has many features that will increase your engagement with your email subscribers.

But most importantly this email software must have a high deliverability. Email deliverability is the ability of an email message to reach the recipient’s primary email inbox.

If the email marketing software you are using has a low deliverability rate which means most of the emails you will be ending, they will go to the spam folders of your email subscribers and that is not good.

Consider using one of these Best Email Marketing Campaign software with a High email deliverability rate:


There’s no way your email will stand out unless you have a really good reason for people to care about it. Use these questions as a way to think about what makes sense for you and your business. What problem does it solve?  When will you send the emails? What do you want them to do? Once you’ve considered all of these factors, use them to create an irresistible email campaign that hits on every high note of value.

The key to a successful email marketing campaigns is to solve the problem of your email recipient.