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Is GetResponse Worth It (Review, Pricing, Features)

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There are a vast of marketing tools out there which consider themselves as the best in the industry. Because of many various sales funnels and email marketing software’s out there, it becomes increasingly difficult to find the best marketing software for your business or online activity.

We designed and constructed this article to make your job easier on deciding whether GetResponse is worth it or not. We will be sharing to you our own personal experience with the GetResponse. 

What we liked and disliked with the software. As well as pros and cons.  Not only that, we will discuss and show you what to look for when searching for a marketing tool either an email marketing software or a sales funnel software and both.

We will display clearly the features you should expect with GetResponse. We will taka a look and explore the software along with the minimum pricings of each plans of the software and what you can expect to get.

To conclude everything, we will make a decision for you on whether or not we believe GetResponse is worth it. To help you make the best choice out of our humble opinion we made sure to survey a number of our clients which we interact with which used or had used GetResponse. 

We going to take the average rating out of 100% (100% means best experience ever while 0% means worst experience ever) and show it to you. We are also going to summarize one or two main points we took out from them. We are definite that if you keep up with this article you will definitely make the best choice for choosing the best tool to make money on your business. We also have a full guide on how you can increase sales in your business here.

Without any further ado lets discover whether or not GetResponse is worth it?

What Should You Look For When Choosing An Email Marketing Tool And Sales Funnel Software?

  • Customer Support
  • Deliverability
  • Ease Of Use
  • Features
  • Pricing
  • Design

The 6 points listed above are very crucial to take detail off when choosing a marketing software to go for. They can go hand in hand with how successful you can be online. 

Since we are helping you figure out whether GetResponse is worth it, we will be discussing each of these aspects listed above for GetResponse first, to give you the broad picture of its performance and whether its worth it for you to choose. Lets go ahead and start with the first thing to look for, the customer support.

Get Response Customer Support

Customer support GetResponse

We had been able to use GetResponse for 16 months now. We have to say that their customer support is mind blowing. It is extraordinary and one of a kind of any software. We will show you now why we’re saying this. Lets start with our experience first. 

When we started using GetResponse we where looking to integrate one of our applications with GetResponse API. We started by searching online on how to do that. Since we had difficulties with other software’s with finding answers to this we where surprised to find a variety of articles to help us with that.

This is all to say that GetResponse’s customer support has been phenomenal in our experience. Let us add on to the example above.
Get Response is really committed to helping any person who has a problem. 

And by committed I mean really committed and dedicated. They had a 24 hours a day, 7 days a week customer support. You can start a live chat with any of their experts in any time of the day. How cool is that? The chat is available 24/7.

You can send them emails also if you prefer emails and they respond fast. The most mind blowing thing though is that they won’t only communicate in English but they can communicate in 8 different languages. Which other Software does that besides GetResponse?

While not diving too far away from the customer support. Their platform has 26 different languages which you can switch and try out. Perhaps even your mother language is available in GetResponse. Try out the Free Plan plan by pressing below:

Well, we are not yet done yet with the detailing how amazing GetResponse customer support is. They not only have article to help you everything, or a live chat, or an email to help you with everything. They also have videos that the designed to help you with everything. Now is isn’t that awesome?

Not mind blown yet? Well, no worries lets carry on and explore GetResponse more in-depth.

GetResponse Email Deliverability Rating

Sendinblue Email Deliverability

Deliverability is extremely important when choosing an email marketing. This is because without your emails being delivered to your subscribers properly, this may hamper your sales or your online activity. 

Without a proper email marketing tool with a proper deliverability you might as well consider not getting an email marketing tool. That is why we wanted to make sure that we study, test and analyse GetResponses deliverability. We did this by not only listen to their numbers but we tested their deliverability on our email list.

Before diving right into what the deliverability rates are for GetResponse, let us make it clear to you on what affects deliverability and how just briefly. It is tough to send emails to inboxes successfully. 

It is dependent on mailbox providers (such as Google and Microsoft) and Internet Service Providers (ISPs) such as Comcast, GMX, and Orange’s filtering technology.

Mailbox providers and Internet service providers (ISPs) serve as gatekeepers for their subscribers’ mailboxes, employing powerful machine learning algorithms to detect illegal activity and unwelcome mails. 

Because these tools are always reacting to changing market conditions, forecasting inbox placement is tough. Overall this is to say deliverability can fluctuate and change rates because of the difficulties to email senders can encounter. The emails can bump or end up in the spam folder or not even reach the person.

That is why you need to make sure you follow strict guidelines when sending and email. This could include things like, you only send out emails to your subscribers and not spam people

Now that you have a basic understanding of what it takes to deliver emails properly let us show you how GetResponse personally rates their deliverability . We will then compare the number to the results we got when testing out our own emails to their number.

GetResponse claims to have a 99 percent deliverability rating. The best of the best and the highest rating out of every other email marketing tool software. 

Well just to make sure of this level of deliverability we tested its deliverability on our email list to see how many emails end up not being delivered properly to our email list and emails that bounce back so that we could calculate a more realistic deliverability rating. Well this is the rating we found to be much more realistic in our email list.

About 90.3 percent of emails landed successfully to our subscribers with GetResponse during our testing. This number is not exactly the 99% deliverability they claimed. But before we start making a definite judgement that what they claimed is false lets consider what we talked about when we were talking about what affects email deliverability. 

We saw that the are various factors which affect the deliverability. Some of the things are beyond their power and up to the email users practises when sending an email. 

Therefore their rating could be accurate for the emails they tested out, maybe there’s something we are missing or a common practise we’re  are missing when writing out our emails. Now, there other question you should be asking and that we definitely need to answer is, ‘is 91 percent deliverability good?

Yes, 91 percent deliverability is extremely good compared the other email automation software’s we had used in the past as we have experience with many of them. 91% was in fact the highest deliverability rating we had ever recorded. We are looking forward to give it another test again to see whether the deliverability can still stand above 90 percent. Maybe we will make an article about that soon.

But in the meanwhile lets continue and explore the most important features of GetResponse a bit more.

Is It Easy To Use GetResponse (Ease Of Use)

Yes, it is fairly easy to use GetResponse. Although it is a multifunctional suite of a powerful software it is still fairly simple to grasp and understand what to do to move forward. Moreover even if you can get stuck we had already discussed how wonderful their support team is. 

The other thing you can do is change the software to your language if it is included on the 26 languages that their software has.  There  are myriad articles to discover answers to your questions and many video designed to help you.

We are giving GetResponse an overall difficulty rating of 95%. This means it is really easy as 100% means totally easy.

GetResponse Features

  • Email Creator​
  • Autoresponder​
  • Email Analytics
  • List Management
  • Transactional Emails
  • Sales Funnel
  • Lead Magnet Funnel
  • Marketing Automation
  • Website Builder
  • Web Push Notification
  • Live Chat
  • Landing Pages
  • Webinars
  • Signup Forms
  • Facebook Ads
  • Google Ads
  • Social Ads Creator

The features above are the main features that GetResponse provides. It is  important to consider to consider each feature carefully when deciding to use an email marketing, software builder or website builder. 

In our opinion GetResponse consists of enough features to run a successful profitable business. There’s literally everything thing you would need. To clarify this further please continue reading the article to see what we mean about that.

GetResponse Pricing

Please take note. The features on the plans going to the right continues to add on to the previous. There are various features which are not displayed on the plan above. 

In addition, the prices for each plan are minimum assuming that everyone has 1000 contacts they want too reach out to. You can create an account for GetResponse by pressing one of the price plans above or the button below and explore the prices you would go for.

But what we are going to do right now is to show you every feature in detail of the plan we recommend you to choose so that you can see the benefits of it.

We will show you the features in terms of email marketing, website builder, landing pages, autoresponders, automations, segmentation, platform and support, list management, analytics, webinars, transactional emails, omnichannel, paid ads, conversion funnels, popups, signup forms, ecommerce tolls, chat, integrations and mobile apps.

Without any further ado lets recommend a plan for you.

Which GetResponse Plan Do We Recommend?

Well when it comes to which plan we recommend to people we don’t consider the prices as they are different for each contact list in each plan. What we choose to look at are the features which you would need to be innovative and run a successful business. Now lets tell you which plan we recommend and which features it includes to help you maximize your sales in your business.

We recommend the Plus plan as it has almost every feature an average business might need. Even some big businesses may be satisfied with the features from this plan. Keep in mind though that you can choose which ever plan you want and there are even personal quotations for big companies but for now lets focus on the Plus plan. Let us display to you the features we are talking about:

Email Marketing Plus plan features for GetResponse:

Website builder Plus plan GetResponse features:

Landing Pages Plus plan GetResponse features:

Autoresponders Plus plan GetResponse features:

Automations Plus plan GetResponse features:

Segmentation Plus plan GetResponse features:

Platform and Support Plus plan GetResponse features:

List Management Plus plan GetResponse features:

Analytics Plus plan GetResponse feature:

Webinars Plus plan GetResponse feature:

Paid Ads Pus plan GetResponse feature:

Conversion Funnels Plus plan GetResponse feature:

Popups Plus plan GetResponse feature:

Signup Forms Plus plan GetResponse feature:

Ecommerce Tools Plus plan GetResponse feature:

Chats Plus plan GetResponse feature:

Intergrations Plus plan GetResponse feature:

Mobile Apps Plus plan GetResponse feature:

For the majority of businesses the features above are enough. For a minimum of $40.18 for 1,000 contacts this  is way more than enough compared to most other marketing tools.

Ecommerce features

We all know that it’s a nightmare to gather information about the customers shopping habits, getting your customers to subscribe to your contact list and to reach the perfect customer that will convert by meeting them at the perfect timing. GetResponce has made sure to remove the burden in your shoulders when it comes to this. Their new ecommerce features will make your ecommerce business a walk in the park.

Let’s take a look at look at a few things that you can do with their new ecommerce tools below:

1.Ecommerce integrations- As business minded individuals we all know that one strategy will not always work in different scenarios. It’s very vital to your business to be well equipped. Well, in terms of the intergrations, GetResponse allows you to give your customers up to 4 different ways to opt-in to your mailing list.

You can get your customers to opt-in when they are checking out one of your products and services. They can do so via forms and popups on your page, as a subscriber to your newsletter and when creating an account on your website.

2. Collecting useful data- Collecting data is very vital for any social directed goal. You’ve got to know what people want, why they want something, how they want it etc. You also have to be able to put it at one place that will be easily accessible along with your business tools.

Thats all is with the new ecommerce tools. You can export your data to GetResponse. This includes custom fields and ecommerce data. You can utilize their ecommerce tracking ability by enabling the feature collect data about the products your customers are more interested in and more likely to purchase. You can do this by also tracking your site visits.

3.Targeted offers- Have you ever wished to track down customers who are already paying, wishing to generate more sales by showing them more product recommendations? The platform has a search condition that allows you to get that time of data and do just that. Isn’t that amazing to here?

Moreover, you may configure an automated workflow to send a recommendation email to your contacts once they complete a purchase or visit a certain product page. You can then Choose from a collection of workflow templates to track and reward loyal customers, re-engage dormant consumers, or perform upselling and remarketing campaigns.

4. Abandoned cart reminders- some people simply forget about the things they’ve put in their cart. Some of them simply need just a reminder to trigger their considerations of the things they’ve put in their cart and make a purchase. The new tools had been designed specifically to help you leverage your sales.

With the abandoned workflow templates, you can track abandoned carts and send reminder emails to encourage a purchase from potential customer at the most well-timed period. How awesome is that?

You can get all these awesome tools that will take your ecommerce business to the next level by getting yourself either the Marketing Automation, Ecommerce Marketing or MAX plan. However, the list building tool is available to all paid plans.

How Good Is GetResponse design? How does it compare to other platforms?

In terms of design we are really impressed by GetResponse. Their design is simply phenomenal. Hats off to them. We would be giving it 100 percent but lets just leave room for disappointment because nothing is 100 percent assured.

To really see what we talking about click the button below, get yourself a free trial and explore GetResponse :

What Do People Think About The GetResponse Software Overall?

We ignored testimonials on the internet and decided to survey 107 people who had used or are using GetResponse in our contact list. We got the following average overall rating from all of them below:

There were a dozen people who rated it 100 percent and closer to hundred. However we have got to say there was a minority were not too happy about GetResponse.

The common message we heard from most of the people we surveyed it is how well GetResponse respects and supports their customers. However there was a minority who were not too happy about that. Well we never got to the depth of the problem with this one and ask them when their experience was so that we can have a good idea on what to expect currently.

But here is our opinion, we think the small number of people who were not too happy about the customer support used the software a while back since the software is constantly improve and should way better now. 

In fact, we had used the software for a while ourselves and had no issues  with customer support. But what matters most is what the majority says and  they are really proud of the customer support.

Is GetResponse Worth It?

Yes, GetResponse is worth it. It has a very good deliverability rating during our test which was better than most software’s we had used, it is fairly easy to use, it has top notch customer support, it has an affordable pricing for myriad features and last but not least the design for their site is phenomenal. We had given you everything you needed to know about GetResponse now what is next?

Well we believe now its time to seize this opportunity and transform your business into an ultimate sales machine. Press the button below to take you directly to GetResponse and get yourself a plan that suits you best and use the tools to the outmost potential.

For our in-depth review of activecampaign in which we analyse it like this click here to view whether its a better option for you. Or you might as well make your GetResponse Account below: