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Top 5 Email Marketing Software Platforms They Don’t Want You To Know

Top 5 Email Marketing Software Platforms They Don't Want You To Know

Top 5 Email Marketing Software Platforms

We are going to show you the top 5 email marketing software platforms that successful business owners don’t want you to know. These email marketing software platforms won’t only run your email campaigns successfully but most  of them can replace any software you could be using or could even use in the near future. That’s how advanced these email marketing software’s are. They have some of the best deliverability ratings, high quality features and very affordable prices.

Make sure that you really pay attention to the following list as we will also have free bonuses towards the end of the article. Without any further ado lets get right into the meat of things.

Top 1 Email Marketing Software Platform: GrooveFunnels

Groovefunnels home page

Well Groovefunnels did not make it at the first position of our email marketing software platforms just because it has everything you need to run a successful email marketing business online. But Groovefunnels has literally everything you would ever need to run a a well rounded successful business online.

Groovefunnels is a suite of software applications which are integrated together to make everything simple to reach out and use. For an example here are the features it consists of below:

Now let us make the list more clear. Groove pages are the landing pages, groove funnels are the  sales funnels, grove mail are Groovefunnels email marketing tools. The list  goes on and on. 

The point we are trying to get out this though is that Groovefunnels does not only consist of the best of the best email marketing features but they also consist of everything you need on your business including a sales funnel builder, webinars and so on. Go ahead and checkout whether Groovefunnels is worth it on our article right here.

However since we are discussing the email marketing tool specifically let us tell you few stats about Groove Mail and also why we had to put it at the first position of our email marketing software platform list.

Groovefunnels  allows you to import 25000 email contexts on a daily basis. This means you can be able to send out 750 000 emails each month for free. This is something that costs around $300 per month on other email marketing email platforms. 

You don’t want to miss out on this opportunity to level up your business,  therefore press the button below and get your free Groovefunnels account now:

Top 2 Email Marketing Software Platform: Home Page

Well, the reason we put on our top 5 email marketing software platforms is because it is similar to Groovefunnels. In addition, it is much more simpler than any other software platform we had used before. Whether it is sales funnel software or an email marketing software platform, stands out in simplicity. has the following features:

These features not only help out on the email marketing side of your business. But the will help you out in every aspect. This software was crafted by a millionaire internet marketer Aurelien Amacker  who created it for his marketing career. 

He created the software with everything he would need. He therefore made millions using the software he made for himself. This is one of the reason we have so much faith in this software that it will definitely help  any business level up with ease as it is super simple to use.

Its email autoresponder can help you track and analyse your past emails to help you improve your future emails you would send out. You can view open rates, average percentage of bounced emails and average percentage of spam reports. It can help you automate how you want your emails to be sent out to your subscribers making everything super simple to manage. Not only that, it is has every other feature you need to multiply your sales for an affordable price. You can check out a full review by pressing here.

As it is rated 4.8 stars on trust pilot which is quite rare, they deserve to boast about that. You definitely want to check this email marketing software out by getting yourself a free account below:

Top 3 Email Marketing Software Platform: GetResponse

GetResponse Home Page

We just had to put GetResponse on number 3 of our email marketing software platform list. We made an amazing full review of this email marketing software tool right here. We tested it on our email list for its email deliverability rating. We surprisingly got the highest deliverability rating we had ever recorded. We got a deliverability rating of 90.3%

This software really surprised us and it is why it is on our top 5 list. Moreover GetResponse has a great customer support as they have a 24/7 live chat to support their customers. They are really dedicated to serving their clients. This is very vital since you can get immediate help whenever you you’re being stopped by something you don’t understand on the  software. 

GetResponse has the following main features:

In terms of focusing only on email marketing. GetResponse has every feature you could need as displayed on the list above. It is fairly simple to use and has an affordable pricing. Grab this opportunity to take your email marketing game to a new level by pressing the button below and get your free GetResponse account.

Top 4 Email Marketing Software Platform: Aweber

AWeber homepage

As we had talked about one of the most important aspects when choosing an email marketing software platform tool which was deliverability. Well, AWeber has over 51 years of experience , maintaining the highest level of deliverability. We also ran a test of its deliverability and got an impressive score of:

AWeber’s deliverability is the third highest rating we’ve recorded during our deliverability test  on our email list. Not only does AWeber have an impressive deliverability rating, it also has one of the best customer support services if not the best. They have a 24/7 live  chat to assist you anytime of the day. You can even call them during the week.

Moreover there are articles and emails you can choose from that consists of tips to help guide you when you have a problem. Not only that, they have over 450+ videos designed to give you strategies to multiply your sales and tips on how to use the platform. Take a look at our in-depth Aweber review here. You don’t want to miss this review.

AWeber has the following main features:

The software is very closely related to in terms of simplicity. It is easy to grasp and use efficiently. We really like using this software and we simply couldn’t deciding between putting  it on number 4 or number 3. But in conclusion this software is one of the software you want to check out because it can make your life a whole lot easier. Go ahead and create your free account by pressing the button below:

Top 5 Email Marketing Software Platform: ActiveCampaign

Activecampaign logo Indepthmarkets

ActiveCampaign just has to be part of the top 5 email marketing software tools platform. This is because it is a really powerful software that has many high quality features which can be used by the biggest businesses. ActiveCampaign has the following main features:

Moreover, ActiveCampaign has an impressive deliverability rating which is the second highest we had recorded. It has a deliverability rating of:

You can take a look at our in-depth review of ActiveCampaign by pressing here.

To experience this powerful software for yourself, go ahead and get a free account by  pressing thebutton below:

Free Email Marketing Bonuses

Deluxe Package Groovefunnels Free Stuff

To get this free bonus you only have to create a groove funnels free account. Immediately after creating the free account the course will be automatically delivered to your email. Press the button below and create your free account and grow your email marketing business:

Boost your online Sales Free Stuff Indepthmarkets

To get this free bonus you have to upgrade to Groovefunnels through the button below. The free bonus will then be automatically sent to your email as soon as you upgrade. Press the  button below and upgrade to Groovefunnels: